We provide effective woodchuck removal and long-term solutions-Guaranteed!
The woodchuck (aka groundhog) is often caught between being a celebrity and being a villain. One day we rely on his shadow to forecast the seasons, the next we grumble as he makes a meal of our carefully planted garden vegetables.
Even when the potential for conflict is high, there are effective ways to deal with woodchucks that make it possible to live in harmony with them. If, however, woodchucks must be evicted from an area it should be followed by learning what factors caused the problem in the first place.
Denning sites
Food sources
Time of year
Often, removing them from an area will not solve your woodchuck conflict. You should always
attempt to understand why they are there and the positive role that they play in the environment.
Common problems and solutions
Woodchucks occasionally eat garden or field crops and can cause considerable damage in a very short period. Because woodchucks hibernate, they are unlikely to cause any damage between early November thru late February. Damage done during this time is more likely to be caused by deer or rabbits.
The woodchucks' burrow systems are intricate and can often disturb our yards or even structures. They can create denning sites under our porches, sheds or even homes in search of hibernation and breeding locations.
From time to time we have even received calls due to injuries from tripping over one of their burrows, although this is far down the list of hazards caused by our furry friend. We suggest filling any burrows you find with dirt if you are unsure of its activity, as well as to help minimize your potential for injury. Should the burrow become disturbed within a few days you can then confirm that you have some type of active critter.
Woodchucks should be tolerated.
To some, woodchucks may simply be "vermin" - animals that are of no known service to humans. Just the possibility that woodchucks might cause problems one day is often used as an excuse to trap and remove them.
Woodchucks may not appear useful to humans, but they have their place and identity in the ecosystem and should be accepted—and respected—for that alone. They provide food for coyotes, foxes, weasels, badgers, hawks, and eagles. Their burrows have also been known to give shelter to other animals such as chipmunks, reptiles, rodents, and even larger wildlife like the fox.
People and woodchucks can co-exist for years without conflict. If you have a woodchuck burrow on your property and don't have any conflicts with its occupants, we say “Let the wild be wild”.
But, if you need woodchucks gone.
If you do have a woodchuck issue and would like to speak with one of our highly trained wildlife specialists just give us a call or fill in our request form and one of our staff members will get back to you.

24 Hour Emergency Service