Precision Wildlife provides permanent lasting solutions for any type of nuisance bird problem. Our exclusion and deterrent methods are all backed with a written warranty ranging from 2-5 years.
Our Bird Pro Solutions are generally targeted to deter pigeons, sparrows, grackles, and starlings. These nuisance birds can cause very serious health hazards by roosting and constantly perching near large populations of people. They are also responsible for the defacing of rooftops, sidewalls, floors, facades, and also costly equipment.
Solutions There are over 60 diseases associated with birds and their dropping. Buildings contaminated with bird nesting and droppings are putting their occupants at great risk and therefore cleanups should be handled by trained professionals. We offer full-service decontamination services for all bird-contaminated situations and normally perform these services before any preventative or exclusionary work is done. See our cleanouts page for more information.
Unguarded bathroom and dryer vents as well as open eves and soffits make up the
majority of our residential bird solution requests. These are normally grackles and
sparrows and involve the full removal of all nesting and proper sanitization of the area
affected. Areas of entry are repaired with guards, flashings, and screens.
Pigeons will often take residence in homes that have missing fascia boards, broken or
open windows to unoccupied areas, and edges or overhangs on a house. Our technicians
perform site evaluations to determine the magnitude of the problem and the extent of
its solution.
Commercial and industrial buildings often entice pigeons to perch and/or roost on them due to their high rooflines and shelter areas. Services for commercial buildings can be very involved in providing a bird-free environment. A full site evaluation and inspection report is the first step in solving commercial bird problems.
Pest bird problems on commercial buildings are solved by Precision Wildlife with innovative and proven methods. Simply applying spike and fake owls to perching and roosting areas just doesn't cut it. We provide custom solutions for our clients using the best materials for each.
Histoplasmosis is an infection that varies in symptoms and seriousness. It usually affects the lungs. When it affects other parts of the body, it is called disseminated Histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis [his-toh-plaz-MOH-sis] is a fungal infection that varies in symptoms and seriousness.
Histoplasmosis usually affects the lungs and causes a short-term, treatable lung infection. When it affects other parts of the body, it is called disseminated Histoplasmosis. Disseminated Histoplasmosis can be fatal.
The Histoplasmosis fungus lives in soil, especially soil that is enriched with bat or bird droppings. People get Histoplasmosis when they breathe in dust that contains the fungus. Histoplasmosis is treatable with fungus-killing medicines.
To prevent Histoplasmosis: 1) avoid exposure to dust from soil that might be contaminated with bat or bird droppings, and 2) avoid disturbing accumulations of bat or bird droppings
Bird mites parasitize a wide variety of domestic and wild birds, including poultry, pigeons, starlings, sparrows and robins. These mites normally remain on birds or in bird nests throughout their life. Mite eggs are laid in nests or on feathers. Hatching occurs in two to three days and adults are seen about five days later if birds are present.
However, if a bird falls out of a nest and dies or a nest is abandoned, bird mites seek other hosts. These mites may enter homes, sometimes in large numbers to search for food when nests are on or in buildings. Although bird mites often bite people, circumstances have been described where they are found in large numbers but do not appear to annoy anyone.

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